PAW (Professional & Academic Workshop) is a campus-wide consortium of student support organizations who offer workshops and/or speaker series for the benefit and improved success of students. Although workshops are generally tailored to the needs of graduate students, in most cases all students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend. PAW was created through Graduate Studies to reduce redundancy of offerings, improve attendance and relevancy of the workshops offered, and to provide a current calendar to alert participants of upcoming events. The calendar also allows collaborators (or PAWt-ners) a chance to arrange scheduled workshops to avoid overlap with other offerings.
Our PAWt-ners work together to assess workshops, provide certificates of completion, and coordinate marketing. PAW also offers a series of non-transcripted certificates which students can earn by attending designated workshops. Developments coming soon include online PAW offerings through interactive, synchronous webcasting, and a tracking system for participants to check their completed sessions and accomplishments.
As with all our PAWt-ners, Graduate Studies seeks to provide tools and support for graduate students throughout their academic journey— from their acceptance, to successful scholarship, to completion of their theses, dissertations and degrees, and onward to the workforce, whether it be industry, business, or academia.
Our Partners
- Academic Integrity & Research Ethics
- Advancing Womxn in Science
- Alumni Affairs
- Career Services
- Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL)
- Feminist Research Institute
- Global Education Office (GEO)
- Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA)
- Graduate Studies
- Office of the Institutional Review Board (OIRB)
- Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (PNMGC)
- Special Education
- Student Health & Counseling (SHAC)
- University Libraries