Certificate Programs

Sponsored by Graduate Studies, the PAW certificate program gives graduate students the opportunity to earn up to four non-transcripted certificates by attending designated workshops through PAW partners. Students can use certificates to enhance their resumes or CVs and demonstrate to potential employers the breadth and depth of their knowledge, skills, and training. The program is tailored to the needs of graduate students, but is open to all UNM students, faculty, and staff.


The program contains four certificate areas: Academic Development, Career Development, Teaching Skills (formerly known as Classroom Skills), and Research Practices. Students earn certificates by:

  1. Attending 12 workshops within a certificate area. Students may petition to use workshops from outside UNM or non-PAW workshops at UNM for certificate credit;
  2. Documenting attendance at workshops using the PAW Passport;
    1. If completing an online workshop, students may document attendance by writing/typing the instructor's name in lieu of signature in the "Instructor Signature" box.
  3. Submitting completed passports to the Dr. William Gannon (wgannon@unm.edu).

