The LoboBITES Competition


LoboBITES are three minute presentations on a thesis, dissertation, or other substantial research project, similar to the trademarked Three Minute Thesis (3MT). Think of them as short TED talks. Graduate students present their research in a compelling and approachable way, using language and terms appropriate for a general, non-academic audience. Presentations are judged by a panel consisting of UNM and Albuquerque community members. Top contestants can win up to $1000 in scholarships and a paid trip to represent UNM at a regional competition! All graduate and post-undergraduate professional students at UNM are eligible to participate.

2024 LoboBITES flyer


Registration, Abstract, and Abstract slide deadline:  CLOSED


Preliminary Competition Rounds: Rescheduled from November 7th (UNM closure due to weather)

     **New Location:  UNM SUB Theater (Basement, UNM Student Union Building)

     **New Times:

          Monday (11/11): 10am - 11:15am

          Monday (11/11): 3pm - 4:15pm

          Tuesday (11/12): 10am - 11:15am

          Tuesday (11/12): 3:30pm - 4:45pm


Finals Competition:  November 14th @ 4pm (SUB Ballroom C).  Reception and Awards ceremony immediately following.



  1. Participants must be enrolled in a graduate or post-undergraduate professional program at UNM and must present on a thesis, dissertation, or other substantial research/scholarship project.

  2. Presentations must be made in 3 minutes or less. The timer starts as soon as the contestant starts speaking. Two points will be deducted from the total score for every five seconds a student goes over the time limit.

  3. Students may include one static image (such as a photograph or PowerPoint slide, no video or audio) for their presentation. No multi-slide presentations are allowed. Students are encouraged to keep their slides as simple and easy-to-understand as possible, with limited text.

  4. A physical prop is allowed, but may only serve as a supplement to the larger presentation, not the focus. However, bear in mind that students win the competition and advance to the regional competition will not be allowed to use any props or costumes at that later stage.

  5. Music, sound effects, and video clips may not be included.

  6. The primary mode of communication must be prose, either spoken or through interpretation (such as a sign-language interpreter). 

  7. Please dress professionally (i.e. business or business casual).

  8. Decisions of judges are final and binding.

  9. Judges and audience members are not allowed to ask questions following presentations, but may approach contestants after the winners have been announced if they’re interested in learning more about their projects.

LoboBITES presentations are judged by a panel comprised of persons from the UNM and Albuquerque communities. All presentations will be evaluated using a 20-point rubric, based on the following criteria:

  • Significance: Presenters clearly explain the premise of their research and explain its significance to an audience with varied backgrounds (5 points)

  • Clarity: Presentation is logically organized, avoids jargon, and clearly highlights key ideas and conclusions (5 points)

  • Delivery: Presenters exhibit vocal variation, energy, confident demeanor, physical posture, and appropriate gestures (5 points)

  • Engagement: Presentation promotes audience comprehension and engagement (5 points)







Q: Do students need to be nominated by faculty to submit for LoboBITES?

A: No, but we strongly recommend that you consult and practice with your academic advisor as you craft your presentation. 

Q: Can I use notes for my presentation?

A: You may, but we highly discourage the practice. Speeches tend to be more engaging for judges and the audience if you're able to speak directly to them without notes.

Q: Can I use more than one slide?

A: No. All participants are limited to one digital slide each.

Q: Can I use other visual aids, such as a physical item or a costume?

A: You may, although we would recommend limiting the use of an excessive amount of other items. Also, bear in mind that if you win the competition and advance to the regional competition you will not be allowed to use any props or costumes at that later stage.

Q: Can I include music, sound effects, or video clips in my presentation?

A: Sorry, you may not. 

Q: Can I give my presentation in an alternate format, such as a poem or song?

A: The primary form of communication must be spoken or interpreted (i.e. sign language with an interpreter) prose, but if you want to include a small amount of other types of material from you directly (i.e. not a recording), you're welcome to do so. However, bear in mind that if you win first place and advance to the regional competition you will be limited to the spoken word and not allowed to incorporate any alternative communication formats.

Q: How soon will I know after the preliminary rounds if I'll be advancing to the final?

A: Contestants can expect to hear back no later than 24 hours after the last presentation.

Q: Can I invite friends, family, and colleagues to view my preliminary round and/or the final?

A: The preliminary round will not be open to the public. However, the finals will be open to the public both in-person and through an online streaming platform, so invite as many people as you would like to watch them! A link to those proceedings will be made available at least several days before the event.


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