Application Fee Waiver Request
Please Note: Fee waivers are not available to international applicants.
Students requesting a graduate fee waiver for anderson school of Management, please email
students requesting an undergraduate fee waiver, please email
Application Fee Waiver Request Form
Please email the completed form along with supporting documents to
The University’s graduate application fee may be waived for domestic (including undocumented) applicants for the following:
Applicants who are affiliated with the following programs: GEM Fellowship Program, Initiatives for Maximizing Student Diversity (IMSD), McNair Scholars, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF), Post Baccalaureate Research and Education Programs (PREP), and Undergraduate Research Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE). A signed letter of support from the program director must be provided to Graduate Studies.
Applicants with U.S. Military Service:
- Active Duty, Reservists, National Guard – copy of orders, valid military ID, or memo from unit commander on official letterhead.
- Veterans (honorably discharged, retired, and disabled) – copy of DD214.
In limited cases of financial hardship, provide at least one of the following:
- A copy of the waiver granted by the testing service for the GRE fee within the past year.
- An official statement of need signed by a financial aid officer at the college or university the student is now attending, including the most recent year’s Estimated Student or Family Contribution.
- Official verification of current participation in a government aid program based on low income.
In order to provide sufficient time to evaluate the documentation and determine eligibility, the Application Fee Waiver Request form and its required documentation must be submitted before the program’s application deadline, preferably at least four weeks prior to allow for proper processing so that the application is completed by the posted deadline. The program to which the student is applying may require additional fees, which are not covered by this policy. Waivers are not available to international applicants.