Master's Plan I or II Graduation Requirements
- Students must follow the UNM Catalog in place at the time of their admission, plus any additional departmental requirements.
- Students should check their academic records (LoboWeb) at the end of each term to ensure that their status, degree program, grades and GPA are correct and in compliance with UNM policies.
- Students must meet the general degree requirements published in the UNM Catalog.
- Students must submit a Program of Studies (POS) listing all the courses that apply to their degree. The POS form can be filed at any time after admission but must be filed no later than the term before the student intends to graduate. The specific deadlines* are as follows: March 1 for Summer graduation, July 1 for Fall graduation and October 1 for Spring graduation.
- Students must notify the degree program of intent to graduate the term prior to the term of graduation. Students should confirm additional deadlines with their program.
- Students are required to pass a master’s examination and/or thesis defense. The master’s examination may be taken only after the Program of Studies has received approval by the Graduate Dean and only if the student is in good academic standing. The Announcement of Examination form must be submitted to Graduate Studies a minimum of two weeks before the scheduled date of the examination. Students must be enrolled during the term the master’s examination is taken and complete at least one graduate credit.
- Students must satisfy degree requirements (passed master’s exam and/or thesis submission) by the deadlines of July 15 for summer graduation, November 15 for Fall graduation, or April 15 for Spring graduation.
- Students who chooses Plan I/Thesis option must complete a minimum of 6 hours of 599/thesis. Once students begin enrollment in 599 they must enroll in 599 every term (summer term is excluded, except if the student is graduating in the summer) until the manuscript is accepted by Graduate Studies.
- Students who choose Plan I/Thesis must meet all thesis requirements. Please refer to the Graduation Checklist. After passing the thesis defense, students must electronically submit their theses within ninety (90) days or by the term graduation deadline, whichever comes first. Manuscript formatting guidelines are available through the Preparing Your Manuscript Tutorial and the Formatting Guidelines page.
- Students who miss the term graduation deadline, but complete degree requirements by the last day of that term, may choose to follow the Courtesy Policy.
*NOTE: Deadlines that fall on a weekend or holiday are automatically moved to the end of the next business day.