ProQuest Repository
All doctoral students (except Ed.D. students) must submit their dissertation electronically to ProQuest (in addition to the UNM Digital Repository) as part of their degree requirements. For ProQuest submissions, students must complete the registration and submission process on the ProQuest ETD Administrator website. Please note that submitting the manuscript electronically to the UNM Digital Repository and to the ProQuest repository are two distinct procedures. The manuscript will not be visible in either repository until the degree is officially conferred.
There are two options for submitting your dissertation to the UNM-ProQuest Administrator site: “traditional” and “open access.” There is no fee for traditional publishing, while there is a $95.00 fee for open access publishing.
Whichever form of submission you choose, ProQuest also offers an optional copyright registration for a $65.00 fee. Although your manuscript is copyrighted automatically, Graduate Studies follows the recommendation of the U.S. Copyright Office that you register your copyright officially in order to more fully protect your legal rights to your work. You may prefer to register your copyright (for a lower fee) directly with the U.S. Copyright Office.
Hard Copies of Dissertations
Students have the option to order physical, bound copies of their dissertations from ProQuest. These copies will not be released to students, however, until degrees are officially awarded (usually within a few months after graduation).
Survey of Earned Doctorate Requirement
The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is a federal agency survey conducted by NORC for the National Science Foundation and five other federal agencies (National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Education, National Endowment for the Humanities, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
The SED gathers information annually from approximately 48,000 new U.S. research doctorate graduates about their educational histories, funding sources, and post-doctoral plans. Each year the SED data are added to a larger historical record of doctorate-degree graduates, the Doctorate Records File (DRF). Begun in 1920, the DRF contains annual information used to track the number of graduates in various fields; the educational paths of scientists, engineers, and humanists; movement of graduates into the labor market; and similar information.
The Survey of Earned Doctorate is a degree requirement for doctoral students. Students who are pursuing a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) are not required to submit to the survey.
PhD doctoral students will submit the survey electronically online. Click here to access the Survey of Earned Doctorates.
Steps to submit to the Survey of Earned Doctorates:
Click "Register." Usually, you will use your full UNM email address.
Click "Submit." Several page of questions will need to be answered. When you have completed the survey, an email will be sent to you by SED with a certificate that you have completed the survey.
Please forward the email certificate to the Grad Studies manuscript coordinator (