Academic Integrity for Students

These simple steps will help graduate students adhere to UNM standards for academic integrity. We encourage you to explore the resources listed on the right.


1. Make a commitment to value and observe best practices with regard to academic integrity; this commitment involves acquiring an understanding of academic integrity and responsible conduct of research, as well as understanding what constitutes academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, interfering with others’ research, or helping another person engage in misconduct.

2. Very simply, take responsibility for and do your own work. Your professors and instructors are interested in your ideas and analyses.

3. Understand the consequences of violating academic integrity—not just in terms of consequences to you personally, but to the reputation of your research lab and team, department, college, or university. 

4. Plan your time well and give yourself sufficient time to complete your assigned work before it is due. 

5. Develop careful note-taking practices and learn to cite sources properly, whether it be direct quotations or paraphrases and whether it be material from a print, film, Internet, or another electronic source.

6. When doing collaborative work, be sure you are clear about how much and what kind of collaboration is allowed or expected. Ask your instructor if you are not sure.

7. If you are having trouble with the material, talk to your instructor, utilize campus resources such as CAPS or the Graduate Resource Center, and/or form a study group with your peers.

8. Refuse to help anyone else engage in academic and/or research misconduct. 

9. Don’t give your assignments—papers, lab reports, exercises, etc.—to other students.

10. Communicate freely with your professor, instructor, lab supervisor. She or he should be willing to help you ensure that your work reflects the best practices and the standards for academic and research integrity.