Guidelines to Petition to the Dean of Graduate Studies
Please email the completed form to Robben Brown (, 505-277-7398).
For petitions related to assistantships, please email the completed form and documents to
Submitting the form from your UNM email will serve as your signature on the document.
Graduate students may submit a petition to the Dean of Graduate Studies for an exception to University policies and regulations as specified in the Graduate Programs section of the University Catalog.
Complete all sections of the form. The form should be typed if at all possible; the information must be legible to GS staff in order to process it. Allow about two weeks for a response.
The demographic information is required, including your home address. A written response to the petition will be sent to the student’s home address with a copy to his/her department. If additional information is required of the student, s/he will be contacted either by phone or email. If additional information is required from the department, GS staff will contact the department.
The UNM Policy/Regulation section should provide a brief description of the policy to which exception is requested. Some examples include: time to degree, leave of absence, excessive non-degree hours, etc. NOTE: Grade changes are administered by the Office of the Registrar.
The Requested Action should describe the desired outcome, e.g. “a one year extension of the 5 year time to degree requirement for doctoral students.”
In the Reason section, explain why the policy exception is requested. The explanation should be thorough and provide sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the request.
Example One: (Extension of Time to Degree – PhD) My original dissertation advisor left UNM and it took six months to find a new advisor. My new Advisor, Dr. Jones, requested that I redesign my study, which required additional research. I have completed the draft of the introduction and first two chapters of my dissertation but need additional time to complete the final chapter and conclusion. I have discussed my situation with Dr. Jones and we think a one-year extension would provide the time I need to complete the degree.
Example Two: (Leave of Absence) My doctor says that I have to have my left knee replaced. The surgery is scheduled for February 12 and the expected recovery time is 2 months. It isn’t feasible for me to take classes this spring term, so I am asking for a leave of absence for spring and summer 2008. I plan on resuming my MS degree in Fall 2008.
A statement of departmental support must accompany each petition form. Check with your department to verify required signatures.