Graduate Recruitment Funds
Please note: Graduate Studies will not reimburse for canceled travel costs (airfaRE, hotel, conference registration, etc.)
Recruitment Funding
Graduate Studies provides departments and programs with two options for recruitment funding: the Recruitment Travel Grant or the Incentive Award. Departments must submit funding requests for the entire department (requests from disciplines, area concentrations, etc. will not be accepted).
Recruitment Travel Grant: Graduate Studies encourages graduate programs to bring prospective students to campus where they can meet with faculty, see the campus, attend a class, and speak with current graduate students. Graduate Studies will award up to $900 per prospective student, pending the final budget, for a recruitment visit.
These funds are for the prospective student’s travel only. This does not include group meals. No charges incurred by current students, faculty, or staff, no per diem or other food is allowed.
Please note: Graduate Studies will not reimburse for canceled travel costs (airfare, hotel, etc.)
Incentive Award: These are modest, one-time awards intended for use by departments as recruitment scholarships to encourage prospective students to accept admission offers. Departments may choose to award the full amount to a single top-ranked student or divide it among multiple students. Please note: Scholarships will be disbursed at the beginning of the Fall semester.
Deadline: Please submit via Infoready by February 21, 2025 at 5:00 pm
Diversity and Distinction Awards
Under review: no awards given for academic year 2025-2026
Graduate Studies is committed to providing competitive supplemental funding to recruit exceptional underrepresented minority students admitted to UNM graduate programs. These funds are limited and require departments to identify and nominate a highly qualified prospective student early in the admissions cycle and offer the student supplemental funds as an incentive to accept UNM’s offer of admission. The Diversity and Distinction Award, is a total of $5,000 annually for two years.
Department Chairs or Graduate Program Directors may nominate up to two students in ranked order, but only one award will be granted per selected department.
Deadline: Please submit via Infoready by March 15, 2025 at 5:00 pm.
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