American Association of University Women Santa Fe
Application Deadline: April 4, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time)
The AAUW is an organization that promotes equity and education for women and girls. The work of AAUW builds upon a century of responsible public participation at the local, state, national, and international levels. Its members are required to be degreed from an accredited college or university. For additional information on the AAUW please visit their website. One scholarship will be awarded to a Santa Fe County woman resident who has been admitted into a graduate program at the University of New Mexico.
Application Procedures
To be considered for this award, we are asking that you submit the following:
- A short essay (no more than two pages) telling us about yourself, your educational goals and how this scholarship would help you achieve them, and
- An AAUW-SF Graduate Scholarship Application
This information should be sent to
The goal of AAUW-Santa Fe is to provide $2,000 annually or the maximum amount available in the spending account paid on a semester basis.
Application Deadline
Nomination materials must be received at Graduate Studies no later than 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on April 4, 2025. Please email application materials and any requests for information to