Approved Transcripted Minors
American Studies |
Biology - Integrated Biology (PhD only) |
Communication & Journalism | Plan II only. 12 hrs. COM 500 required; a maximum of 3 hrs. of COM 551/552 |
English | Plan II only. 15 hrs. English 500 plus 12 hrs. 500/600 level courses selected under advisement of Graduate Director |
Foreign Languages & Literatures | 18 hrs. as follows (Compared Literature only):
Mathematics & Statistics | For the graduate minor in Mathematics or Statistics, the M.S. or Ph.D. student must complete at least 12 credit hours of graduate coursework in mathematics or statistics approved by both the student’s major department and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. For Ph.D. students, this minor may consist of more than 25% of coursework required for the degree. Substitutions may be considered with consultation with the Graduate Committee in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. |
Museum Studies |
Philosophy |
Educational Leadership | |
Educational Leadership | LEAD 501, 503, 509, 529, & 530 Note: If a student wishes to complete a transcripted minor in Educational Leadership AND meet the requirements for Administrative Licensure, the student must complete 21 credit hours consisting of LEAD 503, 509, 521, 560, 561, and two semesters of 596. In addition to meeting coursework and internship requirements for administrative licensure, an individual must hold a New Mexico Level 2 or Level IIIA license and pass the state examination for administrative licensure prior to applying for New Mexico Administrative Licensure. |
Individual Family & Community Education | |
Family Studies | 12 hrs, 6 hrs. from FS 502, 517, 543, or 564; remaining 6 hrs. chosen with advisor |
Educational Psychology (PhD only) | |
Cognitive and Psychological Processes in Education (CPPE) | EPDY 503, 510, 610, 613 +12 credits electives |
Quantitative Methods in Education (QMED) | EPDY 505, 511, 574, 603, 604 or 606 +9 credits electives |
Language Literacy & Sociocultural Studies | |
Literacy | To complete a literacy minor, students work with a member of the LLSS literacy faculty to complete 12.0 credits of any of the following based on their interests and compatible with their major area of study: LLSS 527, 528, 532, 533, 535, 536, 537L, 537, 539, 541, 543, 546, 548, 550, 558, 561, 567, 590. |
Art Education | |
Art Education | 12 credits required: ARTE 500, 585, 590, plus one ARTE 500-level elective |
Art History | |
Art History | 12 credits required: ARTH 500, plus 9 credits from: ARTH 507, 551, 552, 585, 586 |
Music | |
Arts Management | 15 credits: FA *450, *365, *465, *495 plus one additional course from: FA *375, *395, *475, or *495 |
Nursing (Master's only) | The minor in Nursing consists of 12 credits in non-clinical nursing courses, at least 6 credits of which must be core courses. Students may select the remaining 6 credits of non-clinical nursing courses with the approval of a College of Nursing faculty advisor. |
Nanoscience & Microsystems | Core courses required by NSMS Ph.D.: 510, 512, 518, 519, 550 |
Population Health | |
Maternal Child Health | PH 571,572, 573 & 574 |
Public Health | |
Public Heath (Available to Master's and Doctoral students enrolled in departments of: Anthropology, C & J, Sociology, Psychology, School of Law, Nursing, Pharmacy, CRP, Water Resources, Nutrition, Education, Latin American Studies) | 15 hrs. as follows:
Community & Regional Planning | 12 hrs. as follows:
Chemical Engineering (PhD only) | CHNE 521, 525, 542 or 561 |
Public Administration | 8 PA core courses: 500, 521, 525, 527, 544, 546, 596, 597 |